After two days of travel outward from the primary, I've come to B-002. It's a planet not unlike Earth. It has many of the same biomes and much of the same types of life. All of the lifeforms on this planet are either flora or fauna. I have seen no evidence of any civilization. It's a pity. It's such a beautiful place. I'm sure that this will make a great planet for colonization. Maybe something here will get my name.
I was just about to move on to planet B-003 when I spotted the most beautiful sight. At the top of one of the mountains that I was passing over, I came across a massive grove of trees. They look just like Japanese Maple trees. Bright red in color, standing tall and immobile. They must be very hardy trees, because they are right at the top of this mountain which is covered in snow. I wonder how they got there. Most likely some bird was carrying a seed and dropped it.
If they do setup a colony here, I may want to build a house among those trees. It would make a beautiful retreat, high on the top of a mountain nestled in the trees. I definitely would get anyone knocking on the door trying to sell me something. Next stop is planet B-003.
End of log.